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iAiB iCiD iEiF iGiH iIiJ iKiL iMiN iOiP iQiR iSiT iUiV iWiX iYiZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
LIRIL ice cream +hearts 30
LUCKY ice cream 30
LUCKY ice cream +trophy ova 30
MAHAVIR ice cream +ovals 43
MAHAVIR ice-cream parlour 30
MAK THE REAL ice cream 30
MANCHAY ice cream +penguins 30
MANJIT ice cream 30
MAR MAID ice cream +oval 30
MARRINO 21 ice cream +face 30
MASQATI ice cream +cow 30
MAST STAR ice candy +boy 30
MASTANI ice cream 29
MASTANI ice cream +oval 30
MC. DUCK ice cream 30
MCDOWELL'S fire & ice 33
MEERA ice cream & juice 30
MERIDIAN ice creams 30
MERRY MILK BUDDY ice cream 30
METRO ice cream 30
METRO the dairy ice cream 29, 30
MILAP ice-cream 30
MILK MAGIC ice cream 30
MILK MAGIC ice creams +girl 30
MILKY WHITE ice creams 30
MONA ice cream +face 30
MONIKA ice cream +dish 29, 30
MOR 'N' MOR ice-cream 30
MOTHER DAIRY +ice cream 32
MOTHER'S ice cream +ovals 30
MOTHI ice creams +shell 30
MOUNT ice cream 30
MOUNT FRESH ice cream 29
MT MILK TREAT ice cream 30
MTR softee ice cream 30
MULBERRY ice cream 30
MW ice creams & fast food 29, 30
NATURAL ice cream of juhu 7, 30, 32
NAVJIVAN ice cream 30
NAVRATRI ice cream 30
NECTAR ice creams 30
NELLS ice cream +oval & arc 30
NEW JANTA ice cream 30
NEW MADULI ice cream +oval 30
NEW REGAL ice cream 30
NEWRANG ice cream +oval 30
NISHIG ANDHA ice cream 30
NUTAN ice cream 30
OM ice cream +oval & ribbon 30
OMNI ice cream 29
ONE TEN lassi and ice cream 43
ONE'S MORE ice cream +oval 30
ORBIT-e-ice 16
PABBA'S +ice cream 16
PAL BASANT ice cream 30, 35
PAL BASANT ice cream +ovals 43
PALBASANT ice cream 30
PANDIT ice cream 30
PARASJI ice cream +oval 30
PASTONJI ice cream n cafe 29, 30, 43
PATEL ice cream +cup 30
PEARL ice cream +oval 29
PERINA ice cream 30
PEYPEY ice cream 32
PEYPEY ice cream +flowers 32
PHUYUCK ice cream 30
POLAR ice 32
POLAR BEAR ice cream ZONE 30
PONGO ice cream 30
PRABHU ice cream parlour 29
PUFF'S PYRAMID ice cream 30
PUSHPAJ ice cream +flower 29, 30
PYRAMID ice cream 30
R&Y ice cream 30
RAINBOW ice cream 30
RAINBOW ice cream +rainbow 30
RAJ ice-cream +boy 30
RAJA +ice-cream cone 30
RAJESH ice cream 30
RANGOLI ice-cream 30
RBI RAJ BHOG ice-cream kulf 30
REAL ice cream +cup 30
REAL NOVELTY ice cream +ova 35
REAL TOUCH ice cream +oval 30
RELEXS ice-cream +boy birds 30
RELISH ice cream +oval 30
RF'S SNOWY ice cream 29, 30
RICHY ice cream +circles 30
RICHY ice cream treat 30
RIDDHI ice cream +oval 30
RIM JIM ice cream 30
RINATO ice cream REBORN 30, 43
RITA ice creams 30
RITA ice creams +square 30
RIYAL ice cream +arcs & ova 29
RO ice 30
ROBIN BROWN ice creams +man 30
ROLEX ice-cream +boy 30
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